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MJM-021: Reporting Techniques

MJM-021: Reporting Techniques

IGNOU Solved Assignment Solution for 2023-24

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Assignment Code: MJM-021 - July23

Course Code: MJM-021

Assignment Name: Reporting Techniques

Year: 2023

Verification Status: Verified by Professor

Q1) Write a feature for your local newspaper on the rise of pollution levels in cities during festivals and weddings and sustainable ways of celebrations.


Title: "Celebrating Sustainably: Navigating Festivals and Weddings in a Polluted World"

Subtitle: "Exploring Eco-Friendly Alternatives Amid Rising Pollution Levels"

As the joyous season of festivals and weddings approaches, the air in our cities becomes filled not only with anticipation but also with a concerning spike in pollution levels. The revelry, marked by extravagant celebrations, traditional rituals, and elaborate decorations, unfortunately, takes a toll on the environment, contributing to the already alarming pollution crisis. In this feature, we delve into the rising pollution levels during festivities and explore sustainable alternatives that promise a greener, cleaner future.

The Festive and Wedding Impact

The celebratory fervour often translates into a surge in pollution, primarily driven by the following factors:

a) Firecrackers and Air Quality: The bursting of firecrackers, synonymous with festivities, releases harmful pollutants into the air, significantly deteriorating air quality. The rise in particulate matter poses severe health risks, particularly for individuals with respiratory issues.

b) Excessive Decor and Waste: Lavish decorations, often made from non-biodegradable materials, contribute to environmental degradation. The excessive use of plastic, thermocol, and other non-recyclable items results in a significant increase in waste generation.

c) Traffic Congestion: The influx of guests and the incessant travel associated with weddings contribute to heightened traffic congestion. Increased vehicular emissions further add to the pollution levels in urban areas.

Sustainable Ways of Celebration

In light of the environmental challenges, communities are now reimagining celebrations with a focus on sustainability. Here are some eco-friendly alternatives gaining momentum:

a) Green Firecrackers: Opt for eco-friendly firecrackers that produce fewer pollutants and adhere to safety standards. These crackers, often made using plant-based materials, offer a cleaner and safer alternative to traditional fireworks.

b) Natural Decor: Embrace the beauty of natural decor by using flowers, leaves, and other biodegradable materials. Ditching plastic and opting for sustainable alternatives not only reduces environmental impact but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of celebrations.

c) Minimalist Weddings: Consider hosting intimate weddings with a minimalist approach. Smaller gatherings not only reduce the ecological footprint but also create a more personalized and meaningful experience for the couple and guests.

d) Eco-Friendly Invitations: Choose digital invitations over paper cards to save trees and reduce waste. Digital invites not only contribute to conservation efforts but also offer a convenient and cost-effective alternative.

e) Public Transportation: Encourage guests to use public transportation or carpool to reduce the number of vehicles on the road. This helps alleviate traffic congestion and minimizes carbon emissions.

f) Community Initiatives: Communities across the city are coming together to spearhead initiatives for a greener celebration. Tree plantation drives, waste segregation awareness campaigns, and community clean-up projects are gaining momentum, fostering a sense of collective responsibility.

In conclusion, while celebrations are an integral part of our culture, it is imperative to acknowledge and address their environmental impact. By adopting sustainable practices, we can ensure that our festivities and weddings contribute to a cleaner, healthier planet. Let us make conscious choices that reflect not only the joy of the occasion but also our commitment to preserving the environment for generations to come.

Q2) Write an article on the concerns of the government regarding the use of crypto currency in the country.


Title: "Navigating the Crypto Conundrum: Government Concerns and Regulatory Considerations"

Cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin and its counterparts, have become a global phenomenon, disrupting traditional financial systems, and sparking debates on their implications. In the context of [Country], the government is grappling with a range of concerns surrounding the use and regulation of cryptocurrencies.

a) Volatility and Investor Risk:

One of the primary concerns voiced by the government is the extreme volatility associated with cryptocurrencies. The values of digital assets can swing dramatically within short time frames, exposing investors to significant financial risks. The fear is that inexperienced investors, lured by the potential for quick gains, might be ill-prepared for the rollercoaster nature of the crypto market.

b) Financial Stability:

Governments are wary of the potential impact of widespread cryptocurrency adoption on the stability of the traditional financial system. The decentralized and often unregulated nature of cryptocurrencies poses challenges for financial institutions and traditional monetary policies. Concerns are raised about the potential destabilization of the economy if cryptocurrencies were to replace or significantly compete with fiat currencies.

c) Illicit Activities and Money Laundering:

The pseudonymous nature of cryptocurrency transactions raises red flags for authorities combating illegal activities. Governments are concerned that the relative anonymity offered by cryptocurrencies can be exploited for money laundering, terrorism financing, and other criminal endeavours. Striking a balance between privacy and security is a complex challenge that policymakers grapple with.

d) Consumer Protection:

The lack of consumer protection mechanisms inherent in cryptocurrency transactions is another area of concern. Unlike traditional banking systems, crypto transactions, once executed, are irreversible. This leaves users vulnerable to fraud, hacking, and technical glitches, with limited recourse for recovering lost funds. Governments are exploring ways to enhance consumer safeguards within the cryptocurrency space.

e) Regulatory Gaps and Enforcement Challenges:

The decentralized and global nature of cryptocurrencies presents regulatory challenges for governments. Crafting effective regulations that can adapt to the rapidly evolving crypto landscape while simultaneously enforcing compliance poses a formidable task. Regulatory gaps may inadvertently encourage illicit activities or tax evasion, prompting governments to reassess their approach to cryptocurrency oversight.

f) Global Coordination:

Given the borderless nature of cryptocurrencies, concerns extend beyond national jurisdictions. Governments are apprehensive about potential regulatory arbitrage and the challenges of enforcing rules on a global scale. There is a growing recognition of the need for international collaboration and standardized regulatory frameworks to address the transnational nature of crypto transactions.

g) Environmental Impact:

The energy-intensive nature of cryptocurrency mining, particularly for proof-of-work-based coins like Bitcoin, raises environmental concerns. Governments are grappling with the carbon footprint associated with large-scale mining operations, prompting discussions on the sustainability of current cryptocurrency protocols.

h) The Path Forward:

Governments around the world are actively exploring regulatory frameworks that strike a balance between fostering innovation and addressing the concerns outlined above. Some are considering central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) as a controlled alternative to decentralized cryptocurrencies, offering the benefits of digital transactions within a regulated environment.

Q3) On the basis of your reading of the unit ‘Research for Journalistic Writing’, use the various methods and tools of journalistic research to write an article on the rise of start-up ecosystem in the country.


Article: "Fostering Innovation: India's Booming Start-up Ecosystem"

India's entrepreneurial landscape has undergone a remarkable transformation, witnessing an upsurge in the start-up ecosystem that has reshaped the nation's economic landscape. Leveraging a variety of methods and tools of journalistic research, let's dissect the multifaceted factors driving this phenomenal rise and its profound impact on the country.

Methods Used

a) Quantitative Analysis:

Statistical data from reputable sources like NASSCOM, Ministry of Commerce, and industry reports highlight the burgeoning growth. It showcases the remarkable surge in start-up registrations across sectors, depicting a clear upward trajectory.

b) Qualitative Interviews:

Engaging with venture capitalists, successful entrepreneurs, and industry experts provides nuanced insights into emerging trends, funding landscapes, and regulatory challenges. These interviews offer firsthand perspectives and deep dives into the dynamism of the ecosystem.

c) In-depth Case Studies:

Examining success stories of unicorns like Ola, Flipkart, and others unveils narratives of perseverance, market disruption, and scaling successes. These case studies illustrate the journey from inception to prominence, highlighting the resilience and adaptability crucial to start-up success.

d) Government Policy Analysis:

Scrutinizing policies and initiatives like the Startup India campaign offers an understanding of the supportive measures fostering entrepreneurship. This analysis delves into regulatory frameworks and support mechanisms propelling the start-up landscape.

e) Academic Research Review:

Insights from academic studies and surveys shed light on the socio-economic impact of start-ups. Research findings on job creation, innovation, and industry disruption provide a comprehensive understanding of the ecosystem's contributions.

f) Comparative Analysis:

Contrasting India's start-up ecosystem with global counterparts and analyzing international collaborations offers a broader perspective. Engaging with global indices and stakeholders sheds light on India's position in the global entrepreneurial landscape.

Tools Utilized

a) Industry Reports and Statistical Data:

A realistic basis for exhibiting growth patterns and size can be established by utilising insights drawn from reports, official statistics, and data visualisation tools. This foundation can be used to represent growth trends and size.

b) Interviews and Conversations:

Conducting interviews with stakeholders enables the collecting of a wide variety of perspectives and stories that are vital to the storey. This is made possible with the assistance of recording devices and note-taking aids.

c) Document Analysis:

It is possible to examine the role that the government plays in the process of fostering the ecosystem by conducting a thorough examination of policy documents, research papers, and regulatory frameworks.

d) Surveys and Academic Papers:

It is possible to incorporate genuine facts and academic insights into the subject matter that is being considered if one has access to scholarly papers, surveys, and knowledge databases that contain research.

e) Comparative Studies and Global Indices:

Engaging with global indices and comparative analysis tools helps to juxtapose the start-up scene in India with ecosystems from across the world, which adds depth and perspective to the narrative.

A mosaic of variables that are driving India's thriving start-up ecosystem is shown by the journalistic research methodologies and tools that are deployed, which are multidimensional and diverse. The efforts of entrepreneurs, politicians, and stakeholders working together to form an inventive landscape that is set for spectacular growth are continuing to shape the landscape.

Q4) Write a comment on encouraging rural and indigenous sports to be a part of international sports events and competitions. Cite relevant data from credible sources.


Title: "Upholding Diversity: Embracing Rural and Indigenous Sports on the Global Stage"

Embracing rural and indigenous sports in international events is not just about expanding the spectrum of athletic competition but honouring cultural heritage, fostering inclusivity, and celebrating diversity. While mainstream sports dominate global events, integrating rural and indigenous games can enrich the sporting tapestry, amplifying unique traditions and promoting a more inclusive sports culture.

According to the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, traditional sports and games hold immense cultural significance, often representing centuries-old practices ingrained in the fabric of communities worldwide. Encouraging their participation in international sports events could serve as a beacon for cultural preservation and appreciation.

Data from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) highlights the global impact of mainstream sports events, drawing billions in viewership and revenue. However, this focus on popular sports often sidelines the cultural wealth embedded in lesser-known traditional games. This is a missed opportunity to showcase the rich heritage and distinct athleticism that rural and indigenous sports offer.

In India alone, a country renowned for its diverse cultural tapestry, rural sports festivals like the Rural Olympics in Punjab or indigenous games like Kabaddi and Kho-Kho have garnered immense popularity and fostered community pride. Yet, these sports rarely find representation on the international stage.

A number of traditional sports, such as Sepak Takraw and Kabbadi, were included in the Youth Olympic Games, which is a significant step toward achieving the goal of inclusiveness. On the other hand, this is only a small portion of the enormous variety of indigenous and traditional sports that are played all over the world.

Encouraging the inclusion of these sports can be a catalyst for sustainable development in rural areas. Data from the World Bank indicates that investing in sports and cultural heritage can contribute significantly to rural economies, fostering tourism and generating livelihoods.

The Asian Games Federation, in its efforts towards diversity, incorporated traditional games like Wushu and Pencak Silat. These inclusions not only added to the event's cultural richness but also broadened the horizons of competitive sports.

Moreover, the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) emphasize the importance of preserving cultural heritage and promoting inclusivity. Integrating rural and indigenous sports aligns with SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) by celebrating cultural diversity and ensuring inclusive and sustainable participation in sporting activities.

The integration of these sports into international tournaments continues to face a number of challenges, including the standardisation of regulations and the raising of awareness. On the other hand, there have been significant advancements achieved in the promotion of traditional sports on a global scale with the implementation of World Indigenous Games.

In conclusion, embracing rural and indigenous sports in international events transcends athletic competition; it's a celebration of cultural heritage and a testament to global inclusivity. The integration of these sports not only adds vibrancy to sporting events but also fosters cultural exchange, community pride, and economic development in rural areas. As we champion diversity in sports, let us ensure that the cultural wealth embedded in traditional games finds its rightful place on the global stage.

Q5) Write a story on the psychological issues faced by children after being home-bound for two years due to the pandemic. Also suggest plausible solutions for the problem.

Ans) In a bustling town nestled between rolling hills, a community of children once roamed freely, their laughter echoing through the streets. But when the pandemic struck, their world shifted dramatically. Homes became sanctuaries, schools turned into pixels on screens, and the once lively streets fell silent. For two long years, these children remained home-bound, navigating a world of uncertainty that left indelible marks on their young minds.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the impact on the children's psyche became evident. Little Mia, known for her infectious giggles, grew increasingly withdrawn. The absence of playmates and outdoor adventures took a toll on her spirit. Her once vibrant demeanour was now clouded by moments of anxiety and loneliness.

Young Aryan, an avid soccer enthusiast, found solace in the game that once united his friends. But as the months passed, the absence of physical interaction with his teammates left him feeling isolated and disheartened. The pixelated faces on the screen failed to fill the void of shared victories and camaraderie.

Amongst these children, a spectrum of psychological issues emerged. Anxiety, depression, social withdrawal, and a sense of disconnection from the world outside became prevalent. The prolonged isolation and lack of physical interaction took a toll on their mental health, leaving them grappling with emotions beyond their years.

Yet, amid these challenges, glimmers of hope and resilience emerged. The community recognized the need for intervention and support systems to address the psychological well-being of their children. Counselling services were extended, providing a safe space for the young minds to express their fears and emotions. Moreover, initiatives were launched to rekindle a sense of community and reintegration. Outdoor activities adhering to safety measures allowed children to cautiously interact, fostering a semblance of normalcy. Community-led programs encouraged creative pursuits, from art workshops to storytelling sessions, providing avenues for expression and connection.

Recalibrating the learning environment was something that took occurred at educational institutions. At the same time that academic development was a primary focus, emotional intelligence and mental health were also given significant weight. Exercises in mindfulness were developed by educators, with the goal of assisting children to effectively manage their feelings and develop resilience.

In addition to that, the involvement of the parents was quite important. It was advised that people have open conversations about their moods and emotions at home. Families participated in activities that helped deepen their bonds with one another and offered a supportive environment in which children could freely express themselves. As the community rallied together, the children found solace in knowing that they were not alone. Slowly but steadily, Mia's laughter echoed once more as she connected with peers in cautiously organized playdates. Aryan rediscovered the joy of kicking a soccer ball against a wall, finding solace in the familiar rhythm of the game.

The psychological scars may linger, but the community's concerted efforts to address these issues instilled hope for a brighter future. By nurturing resilience, fostering connections, and providing emotional support, the community laid the foundation for healing and rebuilding the spirits of their children, one step at a time.

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