If you are looking for BEGS-185 IGNOU Solved Assignment solution for the subject English Language Teaching, you have come to the right place. BEGS-185 solution on this page applies to 2022-23 session students studying in BAG, BAECH, BAHIH, BAPSH, BAPCH, BAPAH, BASOH, BSCANH, BAEGH, BSCG courses of IGNOU.
BEGS-185 Solved Assignment Solution by Gyaniversity
Assignment Code: BEGS-185/TMA-July 2022 & January 2023
Course Code: BEGS-185
Assignment Name: English Language Teaching
Year: 2022-2023
Verification Status: Verified by Professor
Max. Marks: 100
Answer all questions.
Section A
Write short notes on the following: 5 × 5 = 25
Q1) Development language disorder
Ans) Children who are developing their language more slowly either have intellectual disabilities or hearing impairments. Some people might not experience these issues yet nonetheless have delayed language development.
Children with language disorder display the following behaviours/symptoms:
Language understanding challenges.
Difficulty in coming up with language to explain oneself.
Difficulty with sequencing, discernment, and aural perception.
Rhythmic difficulties in speech as well as in physical activities like dancing.
Despite having a normal sense of hearing, poor expression.
Continued use of baby jargon.
By comparing the child’s speech structures with normal speech structures one can surmise whether the child’s language is simply delayed or there is a deficit. It is, however, not wise to come to a conclusion in haste.
Additionally, we must investigate the child's mode of communication and watch out for the following indicators:
Whether the child engages in conversation spontaneously or not.
Whether he or she answers questions or not.
Whether he or she imitates well or not.
Q2) Visual motor difficulties
Ans) When youngsters are unable to distinguish between words that have been reversed and those that have not, such as burn: brun, burn: bunr, rubn: burn / dip: pid, bip, dib, dip. They struggle with visual sequencing, and even when they do start to decipher words, they rely only on aural cues. As a result, they frequently spell words incorrectly, such as "tork" for "speak." They might alternatively read "for" rather than "from" or "white" rather than "which." Comparably, if the teacher asks, "How many fingers am I touching?" while they are instructed to close their eyes These kids can't tell just by touching. Reading problems are likely to arise for these kids. These students also struggle to draw figures in the right orientation, with the right number of dots, or with whether they are open or closed. Some of these kids combine letters, reading "near" as "dose," delete letters from words they are reading, or add letters to phrases they are reading. Additionally, they frequently forget their place while reading, skipping, or rereading lines.
Q3) Multiple Intelligences
Ans) When the psychologist Howard Gardner released his Theory of Multiple Intelligences about thirty years ago, a very interesting new discussion about differences among children and how those differences affect how well they learn began. In the past, we believed that intelligence only had to do with reasoning and problem-solving. Spatial intelligence is the fundamental talent that enables some people to excel as painters, sculptors, and visual artists. The names musical and interpersonal make it clear what they refer to. People can only be content in themselves if they have intrapersonal intelligence. Existential intelligence is the ability to grapple with existential issues, such as the purpose of life, our place in the cosmos, and the nature of life and death.
The key point is that there are other specific aptitudes that people possess in addition to academic aptitude. In reality, before Gardner, other psychologists have advocated for the recognition of "social intelligence" and "emotional intelligence" as distinct abilities some people may possess. The idea that there are several kinds of aptitudes can be connected to the fact that all children have the capacity to learn, as we mentioned earlier. Different profiles of abilities and interests will exist among students in classrooms and at schools. Teachers need to be aware of this variability and cultivate the ability to spot unique abilities. However, we must exercise caution to avoid categorising kids as being strong in just a few areas and deficient in all others. Within the framework of our fundamental responsibility to encourage the holistic development of every child, we must foster their unique potential. No youngster should be denied a learning opportunity.
Q4) General Scholastic Ability
Ans) It is true that certain people routinely outperform others on academic assessments and excel at memory-based games, puzzles, and riddles. On mental ability (or IQ) exams that include questions about reasoning, pattern identification, and problem-solving, they perform reasonably well. Given that it appears to help children perform well in their studies that are relevant to school subjects, the mental quality or ability that these exams measure is also known as scholastic aptitude. In many class activities and assessments that are related to them, students with greater levels of academic ability will perform better than others, especially when it comes to learning and remembering what is in assigned texts and composing lengthy answers.
Teachers shouldn't thus assume that students who perform well or poorly in other classes would also do well or poorly in language classes. This situation is pertinent to the earlier concept of prior knowledge and preparation. Naturally, it will be challenging for students who have not acquired the prior knowledge required for new learning. This is due to a lack of learning opportunities rather than a limited capacity. While we should be pleased for students who are succeeding in their studies, we must be very careful to avoid labelling others as having poor academic abilities without sufficient justification. We should anticipate academic success from ‘scholastically weak' students, especially in the language arts.
Q5) Learner independence and autonomy
Ans) These two words are frequently used in the same sentence. Both demonstrate the ability to learn independently, without primarily relying on the input and direction of the teacher. In the context of a learner-centred education, such a capability is valued as a resource. For language learners who don't typically utilise their second or foreign language for social communication outside of the classroom, it is especially desired. The learners' own initiatives to increase contact with the language by using or practising it outside of class will substantially benefit in the development of communication skills in a second or foreign language. The customary five classroom hours each week can only give a foundation. For the learner to develop skills effectively, much more work is required. Even intense classes lasting 100 or 150 hours spread out over roughly 6 weeks cannot be finished. Consequently, the learner's own efforts are crucial.
The distance learning and open learning industries have contributed another viewpoint on learner autonomy. There are no set time slots for "teaching sessions" for courses taken in this format. There is excellent course material available in both print and audio-visual formats. The student must locate an appropriate setting and time to "study," adhering to a weekly plan of, say, 15 hours. These programmes therefore emphasise self-managed or self-directed learning. The discipline and effort must come from within. We can see from this that the character trait of autonomy or independence is crucial in all fields of study, not only language. It is also true that utilising modern technology (ICT) in education is associated with learning styles that differ from those of pupils and face-to-face instruction. This is not to suggest that classroom-based instruction is no longer important; rather, it needs to be supplemented and reinforced. Once more, the learner's initiative is required.
Section B
Answer the following questions in 150 words each: 3 X 10 = 30
Q1) Discuss the speech and language difficulties in children?
Ans) By the time a child is 4-5 years old, her language is often fully developed, and she can utilise grammatically sound sentences. Only in style and discourse types does her language differ from the adult's. Speech and language are different things. Speech is the creation of sounds, while language is the use of syntax, grammar, and meaning (semantics). A youngster who is deaf, partially hearing, or unable to distinguish between noises may have trouble receiving information. A language pathologist should deal with problems with language production, lack of fluency, deficits in voice and articulation, and difficulties with language processing in disorders including aphasia, agnosia, dyspraxia, and dysarthria.
There are three types of issues that a teacher could encounter:
Receptive difficulties: unable to distinguish between sounds or pick up noises (due to a hearing loss).
Language problems: trouble encoding and decoding words to convey concepts.
Voice, articulation, and fluency issues with speech.
The major difficulties in auditory discrimination are:
They read poorly.
Cannot discriminate between sounds.
Can receive sounds but cannot reproduce them clearly.
Major difficulties are in discriminating between c/k/g, p/b, and t/d.
Child may persist with baby talk.
Q2) Discuss the underprivileged learners and their history of education.
Ans) The disadvantaged group of individuals who are economically, socially, or geographically backward is referred to as "underprivileged" or "unreached." They are in a less advantageous position than other social groups because they lack access to a healthy diet, quality healthcare, quality educational opportunities, and skill development.
For the tribal people, separate schools with a distinct, streamlined curriculum were opened in India. Government schools do not discriminate on the basis of caste or class in their policies, but due to the attitudes and prejudices of instructors and administrators, they do not accept the lower caste children who are frequently forced to sit apart from the other students. Casteism and class consciousness got in the way, resulting in an instance of isolation-assimilation when students from lower castes sat in the same class but on different benches or were demoted to the last benches where they hardly ever got the teacher's attention.
Q3) Why do students lose interest in schoolwork in general? What can the teachers do to help them renew their interest in their studies?
Ans) The majority of the curriculum in schools is devoted to teaching students the knowledge and skills necessary for them to function in middle-class and white-collar occupations. Except for a few unique schools and organisations, the information and skills needed for blue-collar employment are disregarded. The textbooks are written from the perspective of the privileged culture. The impoverished class's contribution to nation-building is undervalued or overlooked. The textbook is packed with facts and information that seem appropriate for highly driven students. Since the textbooks contain no information on the lives, histories, or cultures of the disadvantaged students, they feel them to be irrelevant to their own experiences and lose interest. Based on the presumption that the disadvantaged students won't be able to handle this, a simpler curriculum is developed for these students. They get even more demoralised as a result, and they are also not intellectually stimulated.
The teachers do the following to help them renew their interest in their studies:
Topics that will interest or be known to the less fortunate students should be included.
The portrayal of the disadvantaged as equal participants to society, reflecting their lives and cultures.
Prejudices against the privileged are eliminated.
Creating good attitudes regarding their lives and cultures should be the goal of the content.
Illustration might use indigenous artistic forms that reflect their cultures and way of life.
Questions that are stimulating yet linguistically basic will aid in the growth of their cognitive and analytical abilities.
Section C
Answer the following questions in 250 words each: 3 X 15 = 45
Q1) Discuss the difficulties with writing.
Ans) The difficulties with writing are as follows:
Planning and choosing ideas can be challenging when vocabulary, expression, and general knowledge are lacking. This can also contribute to planning and choosing ideas. The child's early years, when s/he was not exposed to reading, books, storytelling, or spoken communication because of the home setting, may be the root of the problem.
Concrete-description Level: The teacher can assist the student by asking them to write short, copied sentences at first, then by presenting them an object and asking them to describe it as many different ways as they can, such as "long yellow pencil," "lovely yellow pencil," "new colour pencil," etc.
Concrete-imaginative Level: The youngster must employ imagination at this level. The youngster can turn concepts into past and future events by doing this.
This level of writing allows children to create lengthier passages of text using visual or verbal prompts, such as pictures that must be arranged in a particular order before the tale can be written.
Abstract-imaginative Level: Few children in the primary school are able to achieve it. They are able to employ the original narrative, make up characters, invent a scenario, and tell it in a way that is generally engaging.
Grammatical issues: It should be displayed using poorly written sentences and paragraphs. Children also struggle with creating sentences with the proper grammatical structure.
Difficulties with Handwriting: A kid will frequently pronounce aloud each word as she writes in her first conscious attempts at writing. She gains fluency and automaticity as she gets older. There is less conscious effort required to write now. Fluent writing is a form of kinetic melody that demands the integration of the hand, eye, language centres, association areas, and frontal cortex—which is in charge of short-term memory tasks, planning, motivation, and movement—as well as the motor regions of the brain that control movement. A visual-motor integration disorder, which prevents a kid from translating visual information into a motor activity, may cause difficulty with handwriting. Language issues might or might not be the result of other factors.
Q2) How can the curriculum be made meaningful for the underprivileged learners?
Ans) Usually, when developing textbooks, curriculum planners and teachers ignore impoverished students in the classroom. Less fortunate students should be given an equal opportunity to demonstrate their abilities, advance in their education, and advance their knowledge and skills. Only when schools adopt particular policies in their favour, as the Government of India has, will things start to happen.
It must be deliberate effort to make the curriculum for the disadvantaged students both appealing and challenging. The curriculum should cover subjects that are interesting and familiar to the poor students and that are representative of their lives and cultures. There shouldn't be any favouritism toward the fortunate, and the information should encourage compassion for the unreachable. While keeping in mind that they might not be able to take it, the information shouldn't be watered down too much. It ought to be difficult and cognitively stimulating.
Aspects of their culture and way of life ought to be covered in the curriculum. They should be encouraged to take ownership of their own development, and the curriculum shouldn't be too much watered down. The way students are taught should inspire them to join, work together, and contribute their gifts to the activity. All parts of the person should be evaluated in low-stress settings, and evaluations should be continual and thorough.
The teachers do the following to help them renew their interest in their studies:
Topics that will interest or be known to the less fortunate students should be included.
The portrayal of the disadvantaged as equal participants to society, reflecting their lives and cultures.
Prejudices against the privileged are eliminated.
Creating good attitudes regarding their lives and cultures should be the goal of the content.
Illustration might use indigenous artistic forms that reflect their cultures and way of life.
Questions that are stimulating yet linguistically basic will aid in the growth of their cognitive and analytical abilities.
Q3) Discuss the problems faced by underprivileged in learning English and ways in which they can be helped to overcome this difficulty.
Ans) The problems faced by underprivileged in learning English are as follows:
Studying English can be intimidating because it is fundamentally different from Indian languages. For instance, spelling and sounds may not always follow a consistent pattern in English, where there is no link between one letter and one sound. Additionally, English's syntax differs from that of Indian languages. The verb is in the middle position in English. For learners from impoverished backgrounds, learning is tough and challenging due to these two aspects of the English language. The elite culture is also linked to English, which inspires awe and dread in the minds of the less fortunate students.
Language load and low reading abilities: The poorest students frequently speak a non-standard dialect or variety of language. They are already feeling the strain of having to learn to read in the local language, which is frequently the standard language. They also have to deal with English, which is considerably dissimilar to the languages they are used with. Due to the burden of learning languages, impoverished students experience fear, learning gaps, and isolation, which causes them to lose all interest and drive.
a sense of exclusion brought on by the course materials: When reading or writing assignments cover subjects they are unfamiliar with, underprivileged students feel inadequate and alone. When they compare their language ability to that of the other students, they are also unsure of it. They assume that because they lack the necessary language skills, the contents will be exceedingly challenging for them to understand.
Low expectations from the teacher: When teachers try to "scaffold" their students, they sometimes oversimplify and give the answers themselves or do not expose them to challenging material. This causes interest to wane and motivation to drop.
The following are ways to overcome this difficulty:
Creating a connection between the book and their lives and cultures.
The evaluation process should be varied and stress-free.
Teachers must be sensitive to the needs of students from disadvantaged backgrounds and treat them with dignity.
Encourage them to develop objectives for themselves so they can succeed and advance.
They should receive a lot of help in a considerate way.
Teachers should mentor these students, which entails holding one-on-one meetings with them and providing solutions to their concerns.
They should be given the freedom to select their own topics for some class and home assignments, according to teachers.
Encourage the reading lifestyle.
The foundation of the educational system should be multilingualism based on mother tongue.
Activities ought to be engaging, pertinent, and even difficult.
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